It is where circumstances create similar choices to hitting rock bottom. The addicted person is unable to take hold, but not ready to accept aid from outside. Others tell you it is time to let go, but what if there was something you could do? You would regret terribly not doing everything possible to bring about change. This is where it helps to have clarity about all the possibilities.

Next, take a little time to generate a list of more specific personal recovery goals. Don’t worry at this point about the number of goals or how feasible they may be. Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. recovery motivation Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. Aftercare programs are essential for maintaining sobriety following primary treatment.

Difficulty Coping

This includes recognizing high-risk situations, such as being around substances or people, and making coping mechanisms to avoid or manage these triggers. Engaging with others in recovery establishes camaraderie and connection. Support groups or 12-step programs let individuals share their tales, pick up wisdom from those who have gone through similar issues and get inspired by success stories.

Working the 12 steps with a sponsor can help guide you and keep you motivated to continue the progress in your journey of recovery. These programs provide a reliable resource for accountability, fellowship, and spirituality. Resilience, the ability to bounce back despite adversity, is key in addiction recovery. To stay strong in recovery requires motivation, and persistence in the face of challenges. You should prepare to overcome discouragement by knowing in advance that your motivation is going to have ups and downs, and you’ll have to keep going anyway. One of the best TED Talks for addiction, this 10-minute video clip from former Miss USA, Tara Conner, is all about her personal experience with substance use.

What role does intrinsic motivation play in addiction recovery?

In this article, we will explore the importance of motivation in addiction recovery and the specific challenges that arise when trying to maintain it. By understanding these dynamics, we can gain insights into how to effectively stay motivated when faced with the difficulties that may arise throughout the recovery process. Relapse can be a natural part of the recovery journey, and the circumstances of your relapse might teach you important lessons that you need to learn to stay substance-free for the rest of your life. Maybe you left counseling too soon, maybe you thought you were strong enough to hang out with friends who drink or use, maybe you aren’t taking good enough care of your physical health. Relapse is just a sign that you need to make a change in your life or your treatment.

Staying motivated in the recovery journey can be hard due to various reasons such as cravings, triggers, and setbacks. But, it’s key to comprehend that motivation can vary over time and requires consistent effort to sustain. Building a strong support system with family, peers in recovery, and counselors may significantly influence motivation levels. The help, understanding, and responsibility provided by this support network can help individuals stay motivated even in challenging times. Having been on both sides of active addition, both the person using, and the person affected by a loved one using drugs and alcohol, Lucas has been involved in recovery since 2009.

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